Friday, March 14, 2008

100th Blog! Here's to 100 More!

Brodie Fanns!

Well... we've reached a milestone. An important milestone. This is my 100th blog posting. I'm of course talking about here on the main blog, the Blogger. If you're reading on the myspace, this is like my 52nd blog entry, and if you're reading on the facebook, I don't know what number this is, because I RSSed my Blogger to my Facebook, and they retroactively posted a bunch. Let's say it's 30-ish. Who the hell knows?

Anyway, I was wondering what would be an awesome 100th post. Then it came to me... my top 100 films of all time. FUCK! I already did that. How about... my top 10 Guiltiest Pleasures? Movies I shouldn't like, and any respectable film critic wouldn't, shouldn't and couldn't. But gorram it, I like them.

So... here you go... the movies I like, nay, love, but probably shouldn't admit to it. But you know what? A lot of these flicks have a nostalgia factor to them. To back when I was a kid, when times were simpler. So that's why I still dig them, even though I've come to realize that The Godfather is the greatest film ever made, not Hook.

10) Can't Hardly Wait

I saw this in theatres the summer before my 8th grade year, mostly due to my massive crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt. But being 12 that year... that flick (amongst many other in the teen genre) shaped my idea of what high school was like. Come to find out that wasn't the fuckin' case, but when you're 12 it's a pretty cool ideal to hold onto. I dug it then, and to this day, it's a cool little nostalgia trip to the late 90's.

9) Roadhouse

Ok, seriously, if I was gonna pick a Swayze flick, it would be Point Break, but I went with Roadhouse for 2 reasons. a) The Riff Trax for this is absolutely hilarious. b) For the wisdom expressed by Swayze in the accompanying clip.

8) Batman Forever

Normally the fact that fuckin' Joel Schumacher directed this would keep it far away from any top ten list... but this movie holds a special place in my heart. Nicole Kidman was freakin' hot, Tommy Lee Jones was crazy, and it's the movie that introduced me to one of my favourite bands- The Flaming Lips. Plus it was kinda cool to see Val Kilmer go from the Lizard King to the Dark Knight.

7) Tremors

This movie can sometimes be a saving grace when it comes to that pesky "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game. My prowess in that game has propelled me to "Favourite Parlour Trick" amongst my friends. Plus, it's a fun, cooky, bizarre monster flick. Who doesn't love those? I'll tell you who. Nazis.

6) Snakes on a Plane

Admittedly much better on a big screen with a theatre full of fans, this is a fantastic cheese fest cult classic. Do you know why this movie is so good? Cause it's snakes. On a plane. And Samuel L. Jackson, the baddest motherfucker ever to walk god's green earth, lays the smack-down on the serpents. It's crazy shit. And I have never been to an opening night, midnight showing of a flick, and people were already reciting lines along with the characters. It was a phenomenon.

5) Mighty Morphing Power Rangers

When I was a kid, there was no show cooler than the Power Rangers. When the movie came out, that was like the shit. I was 9, and I could have died the next day, and I would have led a full life. I still have every single trading card in mint condition. Hells yeah.

4) Demolition Man

Maybe it's that in the future, they view the past (which at the time of the films release, it was the present) to be a quaint, barbaric time. Maybe it's Wesley Snipes' fighting skills. Maybe it's that Sandra Bullock was hot. Maybe it's that in the future, everything was Taco Bell. Who knows why I will watch this movie anytime it comes on TBS? But I do. And I like it.

3) D2: The Mighty Ducks

Too many people view the first one as the superior one. Fuck that. The second one is where it's at. They're taking on the world. Ain't nothin' gonna stop Charlie Conway and his Triple Deke. Or the Bash Brothers. Or Julie the Cat Gaffney. Or Gordon Bombay. They're unstoppable. All hockey games I have ever seen I've always compared to Ducks vs. Iceland. It's Knuckle-Puck time! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!

2) Bio-Dome

In all honesty, trying to pick the best Pauly Shore movie is like trying to pick the shiniest piece of crap in the pile. Either way, it's still a piece of crap. But, this one's so funny. As Phillip J. Fry so eloquently put it... They sure caused trouble in that bubble. One other thing it has going for it... inclusion of a non-Alec, Baldwin brother- Stephen.

1) Waterworld

Kevin Costner drinking his piss. That's where cinema went in the 90's. And thank god they did. I think it caught a bad rap for some stupid reason. But it's a very entertaining Apocalyptic movie. It was like Mad Max meets The Little Mermaid, only Ariel's a dude and drinks her own piss. And really... it's the precursor to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Thanks for bringing global warming to the cinematic forefront, Kevin Costner. You truly are a visionary ahead of your time. Next time I see you, I'm buying you a nice frosty mug of piss.


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