Friday, March 07, 2008

Return of the List!

Brodie Fanns!

If you remember, a while back I did an epic mini-series of blog postings where I counted down my top 100 favourite films. As a follow-up, I started to post the top 10's of my various family members. I then took a break from that, due to big happenings in the world of cinema, including the end of the Writer's Strike, and then my fatigue inducing Oscars 08 Live blog-a-thon.

But now I'm back, from outer space... kidding, I'm back with that follow-up series, and this week, I'd like to thank my sister for providing me with her top 10 list. Also... her son, my nephew, is due in like... 2 months. I couldn't be happier for her and my brother-in-law.

Here's Heather's List:

1.Gone With the Wind

2.Love Actually

3.Never Been Kissed

4.Hairspray (the new one)

5.How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey)

6.Beauty and the Beast (Disney)

7.The Goonies

8.Forrest Gump


10.The Passion of the Christ (not so much favorite, just a really powerful movie...hard to watch...saw it twice in theathers and bought it but I haven't watched it since.)

Well, that's my sister's list. Next week... who the heck knows. Could it be Katherine? One of my parents? Is Jesus stopping by? The world may never know. At least not till Friday. Have a good one!

-Brodie Mann

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