Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Top Holiday Flicks... Twisted Edition

Hey Brodie Fanns,

I know, I know. I posted a Holiday Film list a while back. Well. That was the legit list.

This is the twisted list. Holiday films that just aren't quite Holiday Films.

So now, my Top 5 Twisted Holiday Films:

5) Kiss Saves Santa

This movie... doesn't even exist. I was deeply saddened when I found this out. In the Family Guy Christmas episode, this is Peter's beloved Christmas movie, and all he wants to do is watch it, but keeps getting interrupted. When I first saw the episode, I thought it was a real flick. It was only later I found out it wasn't. That does not rock. The concept is just too crazy to not exist. In my opinion. But to tide us all over, someone on the YouTube has graciously pieced together the clips we saw of this fictional film, as long as you don't mind an incredibly annoying production tag at the start.

4) Bad Santa
It was on the old list, but it makes this list two. It's on the old list, because it has all the classic elements of a holiday movie. The themes of family/friends, togetherness, redemption, all that sentimental hogwash. But for this list. It has the most instances of the word "fuck" ever for a Christmas movie, at 147. Which in itself is an impressive number for the word fuck, but in a Christmas movie? Damn.

3) Nightmare Before Christmas
Such a beautifully made film that has unfortunately been taken over by overweight, emo/faux-goth, teenage girls who think Hot Topic is the best shop in the mall. It's great in it's completely twisted take on the holiday season. The best part is you can watch it from mid-October to the end of December, because it applies to both Halloween and Christmas.

2) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
A fun filled neo-noir thriller isn't exactly what leaps to mind when thinking of holiday films. But the talents of the recently recharged Robert Downey, Jr., the beautiful Michelle Monaghan and the quirky Val Kilmer in one of his finest performances propell this film into delightful viewing. I just love it. It's hard picking just one scene to show.

1) Die Hard
Do you even have to ask? I can't find a YouTube video, but I found this one.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanza and New Year.

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